Huntress CTF 2024

Iris2025 Logo

Iris2025 was kind of spur-of-the-moment, and I unfortunately ended up getting sick so I started late.

Going into this, I knew I wouldn't have the energy to place well, so I decided to pick a couple Forensics challenges and create some thoughtful writeups :)

Tracem 1

Forensics Log Analysis

Here at EI Corp, ethics are our top priority! That's why our IT team was shocked when we got a knock from our ISP informing us that someone on our computer network was involved in some illegitimate activity. Who would do that? Don't they know that's illegal?

Our ISP's knocking (and so is HR), and we need someone to hold accountable. Can you find out who committed this violation?

Tracem 2

Forensics Log Analysis Lateral Thinking

Another knock from our ISP and HR looking for a John Doe... but now it's not so easy.

Windy Day

Forensics Memory Analysis

I have really bad memory. I was analyzing something but then lost track of an important note...